Hi, I’m shenae.

I’m the face behind The Birth Project Australia.

Before starting a family I became a full birth nerd and researched everything I could surrounding birth. I would listen to podcasts daily, read academic papers, research evidence based websites, and of course, I watched birth films. I became obsessed with birth and by the time my daughter was due, I was actually looking forward to birthing her.

Six months later The Birth Project Australia was born. I wanted a space to advocate for positive birth experiences because I was sure that no matter how any woman birthed, she had the right to feel like she had choices. I have a Bachelor of Screen Production and a Master of Health Promotion so I was already in the advocacy world, but our modern birthing practices just hit a different cord. Unnecessary intervention, time after time, is failing new mothers. Women emerging from their births feeling traumatised but telling themselves that it’s just part of the experience. So here we are, me and my camera, showing the world just how incredible the female body is. We should never have been forced to doubt our ability to birth. We know how to birth. I hope these films inspire you and give you the confidence you need in your birth preparation.

For birth resources and local south west WA services see ‘Directory’.